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Service Learning

Service Learning Information

What is Service Learning?

Service Learning is both a local and state-wide initiative that involves students in projects that allow them to "learn by doing" while benefitting their school community in a meaningful way.  The goal of our program is to empower students to improve their community as well as their own problem solving and interpersonal skills. All students are encouraged to serve in various ways. Examples of student service include collection drives, volunteering at community based organizations, and advocating for change.  The school-based projects that our students will complete are outlined below.

6th Grade: "The Environment and You" 

Students will fulfill their service learning project while attending North Bay Adventure Camp. (Should students choose to not attend the project is completed at Rising Sun Middle School during that same week.) Students spending time learning about invasive species, The Chesapeake Bay, and the importance of our environment. While attending North Bay, students will take the time to put what they learn to use in order to protect the environment. 

7th Grade: "Food for Thought" 

The project is completed in school with the 7th-grade team. Students work together to organize, promote, and run a school-wide food drive. This past year, students have decided to turn it into a school-wide program in which grade levels competed against each other to bring in the most food. The food that was collected was organized, packaged, and donated by our 7th-grade students. The food went to a local Cecil County Service Agency additionally, students donated the collected food to families in need within our community. 

8th Grade: "Saving the Past for the Future" 

In 8th grade Social Studies classes, students take the time to learn not just about the beginnings of American History, but they also take time to focus on Cecil County History. Students conduct research projects and took what they learned and transferred that into a wearable project. The proceeds of the 8th-grade sales were donated to the local historical society.

Meritorious Hours

Meritorious Hours are service hours that are completed outside of your grade level project. These hours can be obtained by completing either direct or indirect community services. In order for a student to be recognized for these hours, they must complete a Meritorious Service Learning Hours Form, located both in the guidance office or in the main hallway on the Service Learning Bulletin Board and linked below, and return the form to the student’s counselor.

Helpful Links:

Meritorious Service Learning Hours Form

CCPS Service Learning

Volunteer Cecil

MSDE Service Learning

7 Best Practices for Service Learning in Maryland 

1.  Meet a recognized need in the community.

2.  Achieve curricular objectives through service-learning.

3.  Reflect throughout the service-learning experience.

4.  Develop student responsibility.

5.  Establish community partnerships.

6.  Plan ahead for service-learning.

7.  Equip students with knowledge.